If you haven’t heard of Kayla Itsine’s BBG program then you must have intense social media self-control. This Aussie chick is rocking the world of Instagram and now has two books out and an awesome app called SWEAT.
What is BBG?
BBG stands for Bikini Body Guide. Kayla is a personal trainer and she created a circuit-based workout that combines strength and cardio together in a short and intense 27 minutes workout. The original program combines two different circuits that focus on either the legs, arms, abs, or total body. Each circuit needs to be completed as many times as you can for 7 minutes. After the 7 minutes are up you rest for 30 seconds and then immediately start the second circuit. After you’ve completed both circuits once you rest for 1 minute and repeat the whole process again.
The movements consist of a lot of traditional moves like squats, burpees, push-ups, lunges, bicycle crunches, and so on.
My Experience with BBG
I came across Kayla’s plan after talking with a mutual friend at a bachelorette party. We ended up talking about fitness methods and she said that she was seeing intense results via Kayla’s program. I love trying out different fitness methods and started her program the next week.
Oh. My. Goodness. I didn’t know you could feel so much pain in such a short amount of time. I’ve been working out consistently since I was 16 years old and this workout kicked my butt. I think it’s because you are challenging yourself every time. There are a certain amount of reps you need to complete but you have to do the circuit as many times as YOU can in 7 minutes. Dang. You sometimes need to repeat the circuit FAR too many times…
I completed the whole BBG program one and a half times. The workouts are designed for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and you’re supposed to include your own LSS (long steady-state) activity, such as walking or lightly jogging as well as a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout, such as running sprints. I followed this plan pretty closely; however, I didn’t have a gym membership at the time so I tried to do HIIT workouts with a jump rope, but I don’t know if that was the best way to go about it.
This method is perfect for the penniless student; the frugal female; the budgeting newlywed. Yep, I’ve been all three…one of the big perks of this program. You can do it at home for a reasonable price. The sweat app costs $20 a month, which is cheaper than a gym membership, but closer in price to a lot of streaming services. You can also go a cheaper way and buy Kayla’s PDF books, which is about $77, but it is a one time cost and you can continue the program without stopping. If you want to go even CHEAPER (like me…) you can take out her book, The Bikini Body 28-Day Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Guide, from the library, or buy it at Chapters for $27.
Pro-Con List of Results
Short workouts that were super intense
Rest days included in the program
WAY more defined abs
Increased strength and cardiovascular endurance
Can workout at home by yourself
You can do the program through a book or an app
I know I’m super sensitive to this, but doing these high intense, strength based workouts started to cause my quads to become more defined and bigger. My husband will get on my case for saying this, but honestly, it drives me CRAZY when I work out super hard and end up getting bigger instead of smaller. It’s just not what my goals are. When my jeans start getting tight from working out I don’t usually continue the workout…Again, a total bias here!
I got bored after awhile. Burpees and pushups and lunges are all great, but I personally started getting bored of doing the same types of workout motions over and over again
Would I Recommend?
I think the pros to this workout should be enough for you to even just give this workout a try. It will definitely give you results and you only have to put in a short time every day. The only thing I would provide caution towards is if these are the types of results you actually WANT. For me, I find I am super sensitive towards building any kind of muscle bulk. Again I hear my husband getting ticked off at me for saying this…But I HATE my jeans feeling tight! It’s just not my PERSONAL goal.
However, if you are wanting to become overall stronger and more toned, defined, and muscular, this workout is TOTALLY for you! If you even just want to challenge your body and take it to the next level, give this a go.
Have you ever gone through the BBG program? What was your experience like? What kind of results did you attain?
As always, keep workout out hard, eating healthy, and being beautiful! You are so much stronger than you could ever imagine and your bodies are SO beautiful! Keep living perfectly imperfect; being ok with your flaws as you continually strive to be your best self.