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Dr. Amy Shah's Tips To Stop Being "So Effing Hungry"
In this week’s video, we will be looking at Dr. Amy Shah's new book, "I'm So Effing Hungry." In her book, she explores the science behind...
Our SECRET to NATURALLY Curing Eosinophilic Esophagitis!
If you have eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) you know how confusing and scary it can be. In the video below, I share an update on Luke’s EoE c
Be Free From EoE
Do you struggle with swallowing every day and feel scared to eat certain foods? Do you struggle with acid reflux every day and feel pain...
Enneagram & Eating
Regardless of how much information or education we have on nutrition the way we eat may be more influenced and dictated by our individual...
Christmas Gifts He’ll Love
Christmas Gifts For Him I don’t know about you but I find it SO hard to buy gifts for men. I mean, when it comes to the women in my life...
Essential Baby Items From Amazon
I don’t know about you, but I swear everyone in my life is either pregnant or at home on maternity leave. Hello, baby season! I spent SO...
Does Social Media Cause Depression?
There are growing concerns about the impact of digital technologies on children’s emotional well-being, particularly regarding fear,...
Are You A People Pleaser?
It is blog post #2 of the Shauna Niequist chronicles based on the insightful, life-changing concepts from Present Over Perfect. Today’s...
This Book Could Change Your Life
Have you ever read or watched something where in that moment of your life it totally shook your whole self? I feel like this has happened...
I Am Not A Label
Labels have such a strong hold on our identity. Cultural labels. Religious labels. Food labels. None of these classifications are bad;...
Food Or Fitness? Which Matters More?
So this may sound weird to a lot of you but lately, I can’t get pie out of my head. And not the tasty pastry type; the chart ones. I was...
How To Change Your Habits & Change Your Life
I’ve been recently reflecting on changes. How do we make changes? How do those changes become long-lasting instead of just a short fad...
Review: Body Love by Kelly Leveque
Hello lovelies! I have to share with you today the most wonderful book I just read. It’s called Body Love by Kelly Leveque. What a...
I Will Never Be Satisfied
That title is giving me major Hamilton vibes. Hopefully, the song is now in your head as you read this post 😋. Does anyone else feel...
Baby Steps Towards Long Lasting Change
If you’ve ever seen What About Bob you’ll understand the title behind this post. Bob, played by Bill Murray, is a man who is terrorized...
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